July 23, 2001

In response to the increasing number of mold-related claims in the United States, GAB Robins North America Inc. subsidiary, Houston-based Engineering and Fire Investigations (EFI) Inc., now offers specialized services that identify, analyze and assess mold-related losses for residential and commercial properties. The bundled services are available to insurance carriers, self-insured entities and businesses. According to the company, when a carrier assigns a mold-related claim to GAB Robins, an adjuster is assigned to assess the loss. If the adjuster determines that the loss is covered by insurance and that mold is involved, EFI engineers, toxicologists and microbiologists are sent in inspect, analyze and quantify the sources of mold growth, measure potential health risks and recommend a remediation plan. As part of the follow up, EFI performs clearance testing to confirm that contractors removed the mold successfully. EFI will also unbundle its mold analysis services for carriers and businesses that have not assigned a claim to GAB Robins. GAB Robins said it is considering offering similar services for residential and commercial properties in other parts of the world, as well as working with insurance carriers and possibly a medical research facility to determine what level of mold is acceptable healthwise.