News Currents

October 9, 2006

Hawaii to teach homeowners about hurricane retrofits

Hawaii’s Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs’ Insurance Division has created a new Web site: www.hurricaneretrofits.hawaii.
gov, which details the State’s Loss Mitigation Grant Program for Hawaii homeowners.

Hawaii homeowners who install hurricane retrofits in accordance with the grant program guidelines may be eligible for 35 percent of the cost of the retrofit, up to a maximum of $2,100. The program also covers retrofits made during the last four years.

“We encourage everyone to take some simple steps to protect their home from strong winds,” said Insurance Commissioner J.P. Schmidt. “Just a small investment now, will save a lot of money, heartache and grief tomorrow.”

Commissioner Schmidt has been authorized to establish a limited grant program for homeowners to install wind resistive devices in their homes. Wind resistive devices are mechanisms that will reduce property damage from strong winds, including tropical storms and hurricanes.

Wind resistive devices included in the program are:

• Certain types of roof to wall connectors;

• Roof decking improvements;

• Opening protection;

• Wall to foundation connections; and

• Safe rooms.

The new Web site provides comprehensive information on how to apply for a grant with the state.

Anyone with questions about the grant program may contact the Hawaii Insurance Division at 808-265-3703 or 808-265-4211.