My New Markets
Market Detail: The FIVE100 Program is provided by The workers’ comp program includes five unique dividend plans offering up to 40% return premium. These dividend plans, often referred to as participating insurance policies, enable employers to participate in the insurer’s profits, translating into potential cost savings and rewards for your clients. All dividend plans are not guaranteed. Plans are subject to dividend eligibility guidelines and must be approved by the insurance carrier. The dividends plans are not available on contracting classes, high hazard or non-emergency medical transportation. This workers’ comp program provides 100% upfront commissions – above industry average on select coverages; direct bill issued; paid 45 days from binding. Program highlights: AM Best “A” rated admitted market; over 350+ class codes; competitive rates; new ventures will be considered. Submission requirements: Completed Acord 130; 3-5 years of currently valued loss runs (within 90 days of the effective date); new ventures – resume on owner(s); current experience modification worksheet (if available).
Available Limits: Not disclosed.
Carrier: Admitted; rated A by AM Best.
States: Available in most states and District of Columbia. Not available in Alaska, Hawaii, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming.
Contact: Michelle Dempsey;; 800-926-6771.
Market Detail: Insurance broker Seaport Marine specializes in global ocean and air cargo insurance. The firm caters to the needs of exporters, importers and forwarders, offering an accessible online program for convenient shipment insurance. Our services include competitive pricing, diverse coverage options, and efficient support. Additionally, we offer errors and omissions (E&O) liability insurance, general liability insurance, and ocean transportation intermediary (OTI) bonds, providing extensive risk protection in various business operations. Has pen.
Available Limits: Not disclosed.
Carrier: Not disclosed.
States: Available in 50 states plus District of Columbia.
Contact: Bruce Bickoff;; 949-351-5424.
Market Detail: Western Skies MGA is a licensed wholesale and E&S brokerage that specializes in insuring towing and auto hauler accounts. Our premiere program is our Benchmark Insurance Company Towing Program, and we also have access to the Benchmark Specialty Insurance non-admitted program in certain states. We also offer monoline cargo and monoline physical damage markets, which are both admitted and non-admitted depending on the risk. All are A-rated carriers and offer competitive terms. We have strong insurance carrier relationships and full underwriting authority for those risks, including hard-to-place accounts. With a team of seasoned professionals, the very latest in data management technology and communication systems, as well as the implementation of consistent standards of practice, Western Skies is the transportation partner you can trust.
Available Limits: Not disclosed.
Carrier: Benchmark Insurance Co., Benchmark Specialty Insurance, PMA, Lloyd’s, Crum & Forster; admitted, non-admitted; rated A.
States: Available in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.
Contact: Ann Jenkins;; 702-534-3610.
Market Detail: American Standard Transport Risk Managing General Agency currently has two A-rated trucking markets that will accept new ventures. New venture owner must have three or more years of experience in industry; drivers over 23 years of age; MVRs with no more than one minor violation in last three years. Forward your application, new venture narrative, MVRs, and equipment list. Not available in all states; has pen.
Available Limits: Not disclosed.
Carrier: Non-admitted; rated A.
States: Available in Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
Contact: Darren Yancy;; 817-447-9046.
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