My New Markets

February 24, 2020

Market Detail: Indemnity Excess & Surplus Agency Inc. ( offers personal umbrellas for high risk drivers. Eligible risks include operators with up to three violations and/or two accidents; operators of all ages; unlimited number of vehicles (including motorcycle and motorhomes) recreational vehicles, boats and personal watercraft. Product advantages include true umbrella coverage; no self-insured retention; worldwide coverage; broad definition of bodily insured. Quotes turnaround within 24 hours.

Available limits: As needed

Carrier: Mt Vernon Fire Insurance

States: Ariz., Calif., Colo., Fla., Hawaii, Idaho, Mont., Nev., Ore., Texas and Wash.

Contact: Jeremy Reedal at 800-487-2442 or e-mail:

Market Detail: International Citizens Insurance ( offers liability coverage for corporations, non-profit groups, and international organizations. There are a variety of risks associated with world travel. Some risks are greater than others and vary based on destination country, number, age of travelers, and types of activities, among other things. To offset those risks, organizations need to have some type of foreign general liability plan. An existing corporate liability plan may not cover legal expenses and lawsuits brought in overseas courts. Travel to foreign countries brings with it challenges including corrupt officials, crime and unfamiliar laws, languages and customs. Organizations from the U.S. have no protections if they are taken to international court.

Available limits: Minimum $2,500

Carrier: AIG

States: All states

Contact: Joe Cronin at 617-500-6738 or e-mail:

Market Detail: Shelly, Middlebrooks & O’Leary Inc. ( provides peace of mind during concerts, weddings, beer festivals, parades or other special events with a special event policy. Coverage available for individuals, businesses, or nonprofits. General liability limits up to $5 million/$5 million; liquor liability limits up to $3 million/$3 million available. Product features include: No application needed; broad eligibility; blanket additional insured included at no charge; no deductible; separate limits for general liability and liquor liability; automatic next day coverage for events running past midnight at no charge. Eligible classes include: baby/bridal shower; conference; concert; convention/tradeshow; festival; fundraiser; golf outing/hole-in-one contest; musical/theatrical performance; parade; party/social event; sporting event/tournament; and weddings. Instant phone quotes available.

Available limits: Minimum $1 million, $5 million maximum

Carrier: Unable to disclose, admitted and non-admitted available

States: Fla., Ga., N.C., S.C., and Texas

Contact: Liz Adams at 904-354-7711 or e-mail:

Market Detail: Cannasure Insurance Services ( package program features an all-encompassing understanding of the cannabis and hemp industry. Package program features include: carrier A.M.Best Ratings: “A or Greater”; minimum premium $750; mono-line coverages available; defined service standards. Target classes include: cultivators; dispensaries and CBD retail; product manufacturers; ancillary businesses – including, but not limited to transport companies. Coverages include: All-risk property; general liability; products & completed operations; product withdrawal expense; property in transit; live plant coverages. Limits of $2 million/$2 million on GL with optional excess up to $5 million; $2 million/$2 million on products and completed operations; TIV up to $10 million. Startups are eligible.

Available limits: Minimum $750; maximum $1 million

Carrier: Unable to disclose, non-admitted

States: All states except Alaska

Contact: Summer Jenkins at 702-487-9104 or e-mail:

Market Detail: A-G Administrators ( offers amateur, semi-professional athletes and small teams special insurances for training and competition. A-G Administrators coverage includes for injuries during training, practice, play or events as well as team liability insurances. Custom plans may feature specialized athlete insurance, coverage for travel to and from officially-sanctioned events, accidental death & dismemberment benefits and liability coverages for coaches and athletic trainers.

Available limits: As needed

Carrier: Unable to disclose

States: All states

Contact: Marisa Thornton at 610-933-0800