New Markets

November 20, 2005

Dwelling Fire-California

Nuts & Bolts: The Foremost Insurance Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., has introduced a dwelling fire program in California. The program is designed for individuals with lower-valued homes, “fixer-uppers,” customers with a history of multiple losses, vacant homes or homes under renovation, seasonal homes, homes with more than one family unit and landlords looking for coverage for rental properties, among others. Options include flexible payment plans, replacement cost on the home and coverage for landlord properties. Appointed Foremost agents can use ForemostSTAR to quote and book dwelling fire business online. Visit www.

Dollars: Deductible options range: $250; $500; $1,000; $2,500 and $5,000. There are two policies in the dwelling fire program called BASICS 1 and 3. The maximum limits in the dwelling fire for BASICS 1 are $350,000, and the limits for BASICS 3 are $750,000.

Carrier: Foremost Insurance Co. rated “A,” admitted.

Contact: (800) 237-6136

Excess/Umbrella-California Contractors

Nuts & Bolts: SIU LLC is offering a new excess/umbrella market for contractors available in California.

Dollars: Deductibles are $10,000; minimum premiums are $1,500; and the policy limits are $5 million.

Carrier: Topa Insurance Co. rated “A-” VII.

State Available: California.

Contact: Bruce Rinehart, (818) 547-1333 ext. 24 or Web site:

Security Guards

Nuts & Bolts: Brownyard Group has recently expanded Brownguard, its flagship package program for security guard firms, to include limits up to $5 million. Coverage includes: general liability, excess/umbrella liability, workers’ compensation, property, auto and first- and third-party dishonesty coverage. Brownguard is underwritten by Arch Insurance Group and is available nationwide (except in Wyoming). It is distributed solely through independent insurance agents.

Dollars: Limits go up to $5 million. There are no deductibles, and the minimum premiums start at $2,500.

Carrier: Arch Insurance Co. rated “A-” XV, nonadmitted in all states except New York.

States Available: All except Wyoming.

Contact: Torrence Brownyard, (800) 645-5820 or e-mail

Residential General Contractors Liability

Nuts & Bolts: Jack Nebel Companies is now offering residential general contractors liability in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Policy limits are $5 million/$5 million. The carrier is the nonadmitted Nautilus Insurance Co., rated “A” VIII. The market caters to the smaller general contractor with revenues less than $10 million.

Dollars: Limits are $5 million/$5 million. The deductible is $1,000, and the minimum premium $3,500.

Carrier: Nautilus Insurance Co. rated “A VIII,” nonadmitted.

States Available: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Contact: Jack Nebel, (847) 934-2900 or