Tenant Discrimination Liability

September 5, 2005

Nuts & Bolts:
NAS Insurance Services is introducing a new program whereby property owner/manager insureds can add tenant discrimination liability insurance to their property insurance for $500 additional premium. With the addition of tenant discrimination coverage, property insureds are covered from allegations and suits from current, prospective and former tenants and any other non-employee alleging discrimination (including violations of ADA), harassment, and/or wrongful eviction. The insurance also features full prior acts and punitive damage coverage (where insurable by law).

The limit is $1 million per claim and on aggregate. The SIR is $2,500. Additional premium is $500.

Lloyd’s rated “A,” nonadmitted

States Available:

Jeannie Davila, (818) 808-4471 or jdavila@nasinsurance.com.