Restaurants with Liquor

September 6, 2004

Nuts & Bolts: Midlands Management Corp. has a new market for restaurants with liquor.

Dollars: Policy limits of $750,000 property per location; $1 million – $2 million limit for liability. Deductibles of $1,000 on property ($2500 wind and hail); various business interruption/property damage per class, $250 minimum. Minimum premiums are $1,000 for property and $1,250 for general liability.

Carrier: A.M. Best “A”-rated, nonadmitted.

States Available: Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.

Contact: Sonya Purvis, (800) 800-4007, Nettie Gober, (800) 800-4007 or Dewey Isham, (888) 743-2628. Web site: