Extended E-mail Coverage

June 10, 2002

Nuts & Bolts: Safeonlineā„¢, has extended its Safeonlineā„¢ SafeEmail policy to cover Instant Messaging. Pricing remains the same and insureds will be receiving a letter in to advise them of the extension to their cover. The cyber-liability policy, initially launched in October 2001, will cover small to medium sized businesses who have a company e-mail system (including now, Instant Messaging) and/or a company Web site, against third party liability claims. Instant Messaging is an increasingly popular Internet-based messaging system that sends electronic messages between users immediately. Unlike e-mail and Web sites, they do not usually include a disclaimer of liability. Policy includes coverage for defamation; privacy infringement; virus transmission; and unlawful use of any materials or information held in electronic form. Covers all e-mails and Instant Messages sent externally by an employee from their company e-mail address, regardless of whether the message is sent for non-business reasons. Companies employing up to 250 email users can benefit from SafeEmail.

Dollars: Premiums are based on the number of employees with e-mail access and start at $498 for a small business with up to 5 e-mail users, rising to over $8,000 for a company with 250 users. The level of insurance cover ranges from $100,000 up to $1 million.

Carrier: Safeonline. Larger risks placed with selected underwriters.

Contact: Safeonline Broker Support Center, (866) 644-9477, info@safeonline.com