It Figures

January 10, 2011


The number of states fighting the new federal health care law in a case heard by U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson in Florida last month. The states argue that the law violates people’s rights by forcing them to buy health insurance by 2014 or face penalties. The
Obama administration counters that Americans should not be allowed to opt out of the coverage because everyone requires medical care. Government attorneys say the states do not have standing to challenge the law and want the case dismissed.


The number of traffic deaths in Kentucky in 2001, a total that is down from 791 in 2009 and the lowest since 1994. The state’s highway safety director credits the safer roads to more people using seat belts and fewer people driving while intoxicated. Starting in 2011, police in the state will give tickets for sending text messages while driving, under a rule state lawmakers approved earlier this year. Police have been issuing warnings since July about the new law.

$69 Million

The cost to Florida taxpayers of shielding Medicaid providers from lawsuits for negligent acts, according to a report issued by outgoing CFO Alex Sink. Sink sought the report after the Florida Legislature last session weighed whether to extend sovereign immunity to medical providers as a way to encourage them to take more Medicaid patients. The estimate assumes the state would be responsible for indemnity payments of as much $200,000 per claimant and $300,000 for multiple claimants under the Tort Claims Act. It figures there would be 551 medical professional liability claims per year costing an average of $125,000 each.