It Figures

November 1, 2009

7 Million

Estimated number of Californians who simultaneously stopped, dropped to the ground and covered their heads during a state earthquake drill held on Oct. 15. The event, sponsored by State Farm Insurance, and the Insurance Brokers and Agents of Sacramento, is used to remind the public that their regular homeowners policy does not cover earthquake damage. It is estimated that only 12 percent of California households have earthquake insurance.


Amount of grant awarded to the Hermosa Beach, Calif. Fire Department to buy new safety equipment such as goggles, hand tools, hoses and forestry nozzles to ensure their firefighters are outfitted with adequate tools for their work. Firefighters will also receive new-generation shelters and training shelters, which are used to protect firefighters against spreading wildfires. The grant was awarded by Bliss & Glennon, Inc. and Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co.


Recently approved decrease in New Mexico’s voluntary market workers’ compensation insurance premiums. The rate cuts marks the fourth reduction in as many years. Workers’ Compensation Administration Director Glenn Smith credited efforts by employers and workers to reduce on-the-job injuries for putting downward pressure on rates. The reductions should go into effect on Jan. 1.


Number of businesses destroyed when a suspicious fire tore through a historic mall in Colorado’s Estes Park, at the entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. Local fire officials are investigating the blaze. The 95-year-old building lacked sprinklers and fire alarms.