It Figures

March 9, 2009

$35 Million

The latest estimate of damage in Georgia from last month’s tornadoes. Commissioner John Oxendine said more than 100 homes, a private school, Southwestern State Hospital and commercial agricultural buildings were hit.Oxendine says Thomas County by far had the most destruction of any county hit by the storm.


The number of captive insurers that have been approved by the South Carolina Department of Insurance in the two years since it began licensing them. State Insurance Director Scott H. Richardson presented the 200th license to Hardin Construction Co. of Atlanta, Georgia at a special dinner ceremony in Charleston sponsored by insurance brokers, captive management consultants and law firms.

$8 Million

The amount awarded by a Florida jury to the widow of a smoker whose death was caused by his addiction to cigarettes, in a major potential legal setback for tobacco company Philip Morris. The jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, decided in favor of Elaine Hess, widow of longtime smoker Stuart Hess, who died of lung cancer in 1997 at age 55. He had smoked for 40 years. Philip Morris USA, a unit of Altria Group Inc, said it would appeal the verdict, in the first of potentially 8,000 cases to go to trial in Florida.

$185 Million

The lower estimate of damages in Kentucky from a January ice storm, according to the federal officials and state’s Emergency Management director, Brig. Gen. John W. Heltzel. Heltzel said s the damages were primarily related to the state’s electric utilities.

$100 Million

The amount the U.S. Department of Labor has paid in compensation and medical benefits to Florida residents under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act. The act was created to help those who became ill as a result of working in the atomic weapons industry during the Cold War era. The Labor Department has paid 48,510 claimants more than $4.5 billion nationwide.