It Figures

February 22, 2009


The average decrease the Automobile Club of Southern California customers will receive for auto insurance policies beginning on April 1, 2009. The company announced it would be implementing a $101 million rate reduction for insurance policyholders in California. The Auto Club insures more than 2 million California vehicles, according to the California Department of Insurance. Under the newly approved reduced rates, Auto Club auto policyholders will save about $100 per policy per year — a total of $101 million.

9.9 Million

The number of identity theft cases in 2008, according to a study released by Javelin Strategy & Research. The good news, however, was that the cost per incident — including unrecovered losses and legal fees — fell 31 percent to $496. One reason for the spike in cases, the report indicated, is likely the worsening economy. Just last month, 598,000 jobs were slashed across the country and unemployment jumped to 7.6 percent. (AP)