It Figures

February 8, 2009

1 in 502,544

The odds of dying in an aircraft accident, according to the Insurance Information Institute in materials sent to journalists reporting on the US Airways Airbus emergency landing in the Hudson River and the successful rescue of passengers.

$1.4 Million

The amount Travelers Insurance donated to The St. Paul school district for college-readiness for students and leadership training for principals.

$56 Million

The price tag on the flood recovery package Iowa lawmakers passed and sent to Gov. Chet Culver for his signature. The measure is targeted at areas including Cedar Rapids that were hard hit by last year’s floods. Under the measure, $24 million will go to housing assistance programs, while $22 million will go to grants for flood-stricken communities. Another $10 million will go for assistance to individuals for items like mental health counseling and other flood-related needs.

$13.8 Million

The amount that Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger’s office said it helped thousands of Kansas consumers recover in settling disputes with their insurance companies in 2008.


The jail sentence in years given a former vice president of American International Group Inc.for his role in a scheme to manipulate AIG’s financial statements. Christian Milton was convicted by a federal jury on Feb. 25, 2008, on charges of conspiracy, securities fraud, false statements to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and mail fraud. AIG shareholders lost at least $544 million as a consequence of the scheme, according to the court.