It Figures

March 10, 2008


Pages of documents Allstate spokesman Adam Shores said the company provided Florida insurance regulators as of mid-February. A Florida Senate Select Committee on Property Insurance Accountability requested Allstate submit copies of any internal correspondence having to do with legislation Florida lawmakers passed in January 2007 in an attempt to reduce property insurance rates in Florida.

$29 Million

The amount state agriculture officials say resulted from storm-related farm losses in Tennessee’s Macon County in early February. In all, the storm affected about 175 of the county’s farms, according to an Associated Press report.


The number of workers’ compensation insurance companies Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty ordered to return premiums to policyholders. According to Florida law, workers’ compensation insurers operating in the state are required to return profits in excess of 5 percent. McCarty said the six companies are ordered to return a total of $4.2 million in “excessive profits” to policyholders.


The number of homes damaged when a large brush fire charged through a Charlotte, N.C. neighborhood on Feb. 20. The fire started in a pile of pine straw and shrubbery and spread from house to house in the Ballantyne subdivision. City firefighters joined with N.C. Forestry Service personnel in preventing the fire from spreading further.

3 Million

The number of people — about a fifth of Florida’s population — who lost power at various points during the afternoon of Feb. 27, after an equipment malfunction in a substation of a nuclear plant near Miami. Florida Power & Light was trying to determine what caused the equipment failure and a fire at the substation, but the company said it was not the kind of problem that should have created the widespread blackouts.