Wash. Man, Woman, Ordered to Repay Benefits

October 25, 2004

A Gig Harbor woman has been ordered to repay $46,039 after an investigation by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) determined that she had allegedly collected workers’ compensation benefits while working at another job.

The department’s findings have been upheld by the Washington State Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals, which ordered Rosa J. Armijo of Gig Harbor to repay the state. The order against Armijo reflects the amount of money she illegally collected plus a 50 percent penalty.

An anonymous Internet tip alerted L&I fraud investigators to the fact Armijo was working full time while collecting wage-replacement benefits for a 1987 job-related injury.

The appeals board also affirmed L&I’s order that Gerald Wright, of Monroe, repay $16,153 in time-loss payments and penalties. The department’s investigation found that Wright repaired vehicles and drove a tow truck while collecting wage-replacement benefits for an injury he suffered in 2002.