Friends Until the End’

March 12, 2001

Following an investigation by the CDI Criminal Investigations Branch and the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, Mirna Angelica Alfaro was found guilty after pleading no contest to three counts of selling auto insurance without a license. Hector Antonio Benavente, a former agent, also pleaded guilty to five counts of transacting insurance without a license.

Alfaro was charged by the City Attorney’s Office on Oct. 27, 2000, for acting in the capacity of an insurance solicitor without holding a valid license. Alfaro operated an unlicensed insurance agency called “Angie’s Travel and Insurance Services” and “Auto Casa Insurance” in conjunction with Benavente, who operated “Auto Casa Insurance Services.” Benavente had his license revoked by the CDI on Dec. 24, 1999, for numerous insurance code violations, including aiding and abetting unlicensed persons to transact insurance. During the investigation, it was discovered that Benavente aided and abetted Alfaro to illegally write policies.

The duo was placed on 36 months of summary probation. Both were ordered to reimburse the CDI for investigative costs.