Connecticut Agent’s Failure to Disclose Dog Comes Back to Bite Homeowner

August 7, 2023 by

A Connecticut homeowner who is being sued by a woman who alleges his dog bit her in the face is not entitled to insurance coverage because his home insurance application, which was completed by his insurance agent, indicated he did not have a dog.

Providence Mutual Fire Insurance Co. declined to defend Waterbury resident Antonio Laires against the dog bite lawsuit on the grounds that the policy was voided because the misrepresentation regarding the dog was material. Had it known he had a dog, the insurer said it would not have issued the policy.

Laires told the court that the application was completed by his insurance agent, and he was unaware that the application indicated that there were no animals at the premises when he electronically signed it. Because he was unaware that the application was inaccurate, he did not knowingly fail to disclose any material facts, Laires argued.

U.S. District Judge Kari A. Dooley in Connecticut granted Providence Mutual summary judgment, holding that the insurer has neither a duty to defend nor to indemnify because of the material misrepresentation. The judge also found that the homeowner had a responsibility to read the policy that his agent procured before signing it.

Dooley’s ruling does not suggest or offer any opinion as to whether Laire’s allegations implicate liability for the insurance agent with respect to his duties to Laire.

Providence Mutual’s policy said the insurer would not provide coverage to an insured who concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance; engaged in fraudulent conduct; or made materially false statements relating to insurance.

Under the policy, a material representation is one where, had the insurer known the truth, it would not have issued coverage.

In Connecticut, the judge noted, an insurer has a right to rescind coverage for a material misrepresentation in an insurance application if it is not an innocent misrepresentation, but one “known by the insured to be false when made.”

Providence Mutual said that when an insured indicates there is an animal or exotic pet kept on the premises, it sends the applicant a questionnaire seeking more information about the animal or pet. Whether to issue a policy and what premiums to charge depend on the answers received.

The question on the application asked whether there were any animals or exotic pets kept on the premises, to which the application indicated, “N,” or “no.”

Laires told the court that he did not knowingly make such a misrepresentation because his insurance agent filled out the application and did not supply him with the entire document.

Judge Dooley was not persuaded by his story.

“Under Connecticut law a person may not claim that a misrepresentation is innocent solely because the person failed to read the application before signing it. The law requires that the insured shall not only, in good faith, answer all the interrogatories correctly, but shall use reasonable diligence to see that the answers are correctly written,” she wrote, citing past cases.

Moreover, the judge found his argument that his broker is responsible for the inaccuracy to be without merit. “An insurance broker is the agent of the insured in obtaining an insurance policy. As such, the broker owes a duty of care to the principal,” she noted.

The insurance agent signed the application, attesting that he was Laire’s authorized representative, and that he made a reasonable inquiry to procure the answers to the questions. The essence of the agency relationship is the “manifestation of consent by one person to another that the other shall act on his behalf and subject to his control, and consent by the other to so act,” the opinion concluded.