Profile of Young Agents
61.7% are 31 to 40 years old.
38.3% are 30 and under.
85.5% consider insurance to be a permanent career choice;
12.0% are unsure;
81.4% would recommend career choice to another young person — but
13.6% are not sure they would while
5.0% wouldn’t recommend being an agent.
26.0% have less than three years in insurance;
17.3% have three to five years;
29.6% have six to 10 years;
17.0% have 11 to 15 years;
10.1% have more than 15 years.
63.0% have a college degree;
10.1% have a master’s, doctorate or other advanced degree;
50.7% have completed or are working on an insurance designation.
62.2% have an insurance agent mentor.
55.2% work in family owned agencies.
26.0% are members of the family that owns the agency.
31.4% work for agencies generating $5 million or less in P/C premium.
23.1% work for agencies generating $6 million to $25 million in P/C premium.
34.3% work for agencies generating more than $26 million.
89.5% are privately held independent agencies.
88.8% are independent agents;
12.4% presently are sole owners of an agency;
20.1% share ownership with a partner(s).
67.5% do not presently own an agency; of these,
53.8% would like to own someday and
26.5% of those feel very confident ownership dreams will come true — but
35.5% don’t believe it will happen.
63.5% target mostly commercial lines;
36.5% target mostly personal lines.
58.9% Male
41.1% Female
48.7% Describe their political affiliation as Republican,
14.7% Democrat,
13.9% Independent, and
8.1% Libertarian.
89.7% White/Caucasian
5.5% Hispanic/Latino
1.8% Black
1.8% Asian
0.7% Native American
2.9% Other or did not wish to say
51.5% attend local business or community meetings;
56.6% volunteer in the community;
12.0% get involved in local politics;
62.4% use Facebook;
72.6% use LinkedIn;
23.7% use Twitter;
11.3% write a blog;
55.8% utilize insurance coverage or other checklists;
79.6% take insurance courses online.