Welcome to Insurance Journal’s annual Top 20 Agency Partnerships report. This report is ranked by total property/casualty revenue for 2019.
Today’s Agency Partnerships are numerous and offer value and benefits to their members, including independence, growth opportunities, access to markets, profit sharing, perpetuation planning, relationships, technology, staff support, agency errors and omissions coverage, and much more. Agency Partnerships are very much part of the fabric of today’s independent agency channel and continue to grow in strength and numbers across the country.
All information in this report has been garnered from voluntary online submissions and best estimates based on other public information sources.
There may be Agency Partnerships eligible for listing but for which no information was received or located.
We encourage others to submit data for future reports.
The more submissions Insurance Journal receives, the more accurate and comprehensive this listing will be in the future. Also, submitted data was not independently verified.
View our report here!
For more information about this report, contact Andrea Wells at: awells@insurancejournal.com.