Insurance Journal Offers Free Agency for Sale Listings. What’s the Catch?

August 10, 2020

Insurance Journal announced that insurance agency owners looking to sell their agencies may post agency-for-sale listings on the highest trafficked property/casualty insurance news site in the world. For free.

What’s the catch? If the insurance agency sale occurs due to a contact made through the Insurance Journal website, the owner is asked to submit a $1,000 finder’s fee to Insurance Journal. This fee is paid solely on the honor system.

Within the listing, owners are asked to disclose the location, gross annual revenue, information about the facilities, and a comprehensive description. Listings are blind, meaning that Identifying information such as agency name or website is not included publicly. A 3-month, 6-month, or 1-year listing option is offered — all at no cost.

“We realize an honor system finder’s fee is not typical,” says Wells Media Group CEO Josh Carlson. “But our insurance agency readers trust Insurance Journal and we trust them.”

To place a free listing, or to view agencies that are available for purchase, visit: Agency buyers can email to join the interested buyers list.