What Rules Need Changing? Texas Insurance Department Wants to Know

September 16, 2019

Texas insurance regulators are now accepting comments from the industry in an effort to identify rules that need to be updated or changed.

The Texas Department of Insurance announced earlier this year it would begin collecting input from stakeholders on specific agency rules that appear to be problematic. The agency said the process is part of its plan to modernize and improve all aspects of the department.

“We want people to comply with the law,” Insurance Commissioner Kent Sullivan said in a media release in April. “To facilitate that, you have to make sure your rules and processes are user-friendly. We’ll be asking interested stakeholders to identify any rules that make compliance unreasonably difficult or that they find to be ambiguous, out of date, or inconsistent with statute.”

TDI says it is ready to hear from stakeholders about rules that need work: rules that make compliance unreasonably difficult; those with text that is ambiguous or out of date; and/or rules that appear to be inconsistent with state statute.

The three-stage review process is as follows:

Stakeholders are asked to submit a brief statement for each rule they’re requesting to change or update.

TDI will review all submissions and will announce the selection of a limited number of rule proposals for more detailed review and comment. TDI then will request additional information, including suggested text revisions, for these submissions.

After reviewing the additional information, TDI will determine the submissions that move forward to formal rule projects. These will go through TDI’s normal rule process, which allows for opportunities for public comment.

Submissions are due Oct. 1. TDI is asking that parties submitting suggestions for rule changes send a clear and concise statement of about one page per rule with the following information:

The citation for the specific rule on which you are commenting.

Why the rule should be reviewed, revised, or repealed.

The issue the rule causes and why changing it should be a priority for TDI.

A brief description of your idea for improving the rule.

Submissions may be sent via email to comments@tdi.texas.gov or by mail to:

Chief Clerk

Hobby 1, Room 1210A

MC 112-2A, P.O. Box 149104

Austin, TX 78714-9104

This request for rule change suggestions is not part of TDI’s formal rule review process, the department said.