New Oklahoma Texting While Driving Law Now in Effect

November 16, 2015

A new law making it illegal to text and drive in Oklahoma became effective on Nov. 1.

People caught reading or writing texts or emails while driving will be fined $100 under the Trooper Nicholas Dees and Trooper Keith Burch Act of 2015.

Dees was killed and Burch was seriously injured when a man accused of texting while driving crashed into them in January while they were working an accident scene on Interstate 40.

“Trooper Nic Dees never made it home to his family, just like dozens of other Oklahomans each year who are killed by distracted driving,” Public Safety Commissioner Michael Thompson said. “Not only is texting while driving senseless, it is selfish.”

Thompson added that “troopers and their families are very happy that this law was passed because they deal with the consequences of distracted driving every day.”

At the time of the texting bill’s signing by Gov. Mary Fallin, Oklahoma became the 46th state to ban the practice of texting while driving.