Kingstone OK’d to Write Insurance in Connecticut, New Jersey

November 16, 2015

Kingstone Companies Inc., a New York-domiciled multi-line property/casualty insurance holding company, announced that its subsidiary, Kingstone Insurance Company, was granted approval to write P/C insurance in Connecticut and New Jersey.

These new additions bring to five the number of states where Kingstone Insurance is authorized as an admitted carrier of P/C insurance. The insurer is also an admitted carrier in New York, Pennsylvania and Texas.

Kingstone said it has applications for admission pending in one additional state that shares similar catastrophe exposure and opportunities as New York. “It is our expectation that we can effectively leverage our reputation with our producers in New York and roll out an agency-only distribution model,” Kingstone CEO Barry Goldstein said.

Founded in 1886, with its headquarters in Kingston, New York, Kingstone Insurance is a provider of P/C insurance to individuals and businesses primarily in New York State. It distributes exclusively through independent retail and wholesale agents and brokers.