Donelon Re-Elected Insurance Commissioner in Louisiana

November 2, 2015

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon has won another four-year term.

Donelon, a Republican from Metairie, sailed to re-election on Oct. 24, defeating three challengers without needing a runoff.

His challengers included: Donald Hodge Jr., a Democrat and lawyer from Baton Rouge who ran unsuccessfully against Donelon four years ago; Charlotte McDaniel McGehee, a Democrat and lawyer from Prairieville; and Matt Parker, a Republican from Calhoun who owns a car repair business.

They raised less money than Donelon had amassed to compete in advertising. Opponents criticized Donelon for receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from insurance companies.

A former lawmaker, Donelon has been insurance commissioner since 2006. He said he’s increased competition and stabilized an insurance market that had been ravaged by hurricanes.