Ohio Insurance Agent Tax Liens Surpass $15M

October 5, 2015

Ohio Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor announced that as of September 2015 the insurance agent tax lien program has collected or set-up payment plans with agents for amounts totaling $15,149,631 in unpaid income tax, sales tax and workers’ compensation premium payments. In addition to her role as lieutenant governor, Taylor also serves as director of the Ohio Department of Insurance.

The program launched in May 2011 is a partnership of the Ohio Department of Insurance, Ohio Department of Taxation and Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

The insurance department reviews renewal applications to make sure agents are in compliance with Ohio laws. Administrative action may be taken against an agent’s license if an outstanding judgment lien has been filed against an agent or their organization.

Penalties may include revoking, suspending, or refusing to issue an insurance license. Civil penalties can be imposed if an agent or agency fails to comply with any official invoice, notice, assessment, or order directing payment of state income tax, state sales tax or workers’ comp premiums.