10 Things to Know About Recreation and Leisure

May 5, 2014
  1. In 2013, the NFL agreed to settle a concussion lawsuit filed by former players for $914 million.
  2. Concussion rates were higher among high school athletes than college athletes in certain sports, including football, men’s lacrosse, soccer and baseball. (Study from the Institute of Medicine in 2013 focusing on young athletes aged 5 to 21 years)
  3. AIG insures more than 5,000 athletic organizations and sport camps.
  4. Bird watching was a leisure activity partaken in by 6.1 percent of adults. (U.S. Census Bureau statistics from 2010)
  5. Alcohol was the largest human factor in boating deaths in 2012, causing 140 deaths and 313 injuries in 368 accidents. (Statistics compiled by the Insurance Information Institute using U.S. Transportation and U.S. Coast Guard data.)
  6. The top 10 states for recreational boating accidents for 2012 were: Florida, California, New York, Texas, Tennessee, Maryland, North Carolina, Missouri, Ohio, and Louisiana. (Statistics compiled by the Insurance Information Institute using U.S. Transportation and U.S. Coast Guard data)
  7. 187,000 adults reported attending a rock concert twice or more per week, while 730,000 reported attending rock concerts at least two to three times per month. (U.S. Census Bureau statistics from 2010)
  8. There were 3,266 injuries reported from playing billiards or pool in the U.S. in 2011. Fewer injuries were reported from pitching horseshoes (1,637). However, both activities may be considered far less dangerous that bike riding (540,399). (National Safety Council)
  9. The number of participants in high school football reached 1.1 million between 2012 and 2013. By comparison 1.1 million competed in outdoor track and field, 971,796 competed in basketball and 782,514 competed in soccer. (2012-13 High School Athletics Participation)
  10. In 2011 32,677 golf-related injuries were reported. That figure excludes golf carts, which were involved in 14,053 injuries. (National Safety Council Associations)