Travelers: Strain Is Most Common Workplace Injury in Texas

March 10, 2014

The four most common workplace injuries among Texas employers in 2013 were strains, sprains, fractures and contusions, according to a recent analysis of Travelers’ 2013 workers’ compensation claim data.

“Although these injuries may not seem severe, they can substantially impact an employee while also impacting a business’s operations, particularly small business owners who have little back-up staffing,” said Stacey Johnson, field director, Risk Control, Travelers. “The good news is there are several ways to help avoid injuries in the workplace, including proper onboarding and training for new employees and clearly identifying roles and responsibilities.”

Travelers’ workers’ compensation data revealed that in 2013, strains accounted for 25 percent of worker injuries, while 12 percent were sprains, 11 percent fractures, and 9 percent contusions. Workplace injuries such as these have the potential to leave small businesses open to serious financial exposure if the company does not have workers’ compensation insurance in place.