FEMA Publishes Latest Data on N.J.’s Sandy Recovery

August 5, 2013

The Federal Emergency Management Agency recently published its latest figures on federal assistance for New Jersey’s post-Superstorm Sandy recovery effort.

FEMA said the total federal assistance so far for New Jersey’s Sandy recovery adds up to more than $5.3 billion as of July 22. This figure includes $3.5 billion in total National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) payments made on claims to date in the state.

The following is a breakdown of federal assistance for New Jersey’s recovery effort thus far:

  • $3.5 billion in total NFIP payments made on claims to date.
  • $408.1 million in FEMA grants disbursed for individuals and households (including $351.4 million for housing assistance and $56.7 million for other needs).
  • $805.8 million in SBA disaster loans approved for homeowners, renters and businesses.
  • $678.9 million approved in FEMA Public Assistance grants to state agencies, local communities and private nonprofit organizations that serve the public.

FEMA also said 261,872 people contacted FEMA for help or information and 126,837 housing inspections were completed.

Another assistance program for homeowners got underway on July 22, when New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced a $100 million home elevation program in nine hardest-hit counties.

Under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, eligible applicants can get reimbursement of up to $30,000 for elevating existing single-family homes. It would help homeowners elevate their primary residences to meet the requirements of flood insurance risk maps in flood-prone communities.

Gov. Christie also announced last month that the first post-Sandy buyout offers were made to Sayreville homeowners, who have been offered pre-storm value for their properties. These first offers came from a field of 129 Sayreville homes that have been approved for buyouts by FEMA. Dozens more offers are expected this month, with closings expected to begin before Labor Day.