Survey: Texting While Driving Common Among N.J. Drivers

June 17, 2013

New Jersey auto insurance group Plymouth Rock Assurance released a distracted driving study that found nearly 50 percent of those polled said they have in the past asked a driver to stop texting while the car was in motion.

This poll consisted of 1,097 consumers who have valid New Jersey driver’s licenses and operate a vehicle at least once per week. The poll was conducted online in May.

The survey said younger drivers were significantly more likely to text while driving. When asked if they have ever read or sent text messages while driving a car, 40 percent of the respondents in the 17-44 age group said they have, while 16 percent of respondents who are 45 or older said they have texted while driving. Survey findings include:

  • Nearly three in 10 (28 percent) said they have read or sent a text message while driving in the past and 27 percent said they have programmed a GPS while driving.
  • 47 percent of respondents, as passengers, have in the past asked the driver to stop texting while the car was in motion. And 32 percent said they have in the past attempted to alert the driver of another car to stop texting.
  • Of those who read or sent a text message over the past six months, 20 percent admitted to doing so daily and 39 percent admitted to at least weekly occurrences.
  • 20 percent said they personally know someone who has been in an accident which involved the use of a mobile device. And 24 percent of those who said they have texted while driving also said they have done so with children in the car.