Mass. DOI to Issue Report on Boston Bombings

June 3, 2013

The Massachusetts Division of Insurance said it is examining insurance claims arising from the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings to better understand the claims filed and paid.

The division spokesperson Jayda Leder-Luis said that once the examination is complete, these findings would be made available as a report in the future.

“The Division of Insurance has initiated an examination of claims arising from the Boston Marathon bombing and related events that occurred in Boston, Cambridge and Watertown, Massachusetts on April 15 through April 19, 2013 in an effort to understand the claims filed and paid to date, as well as other information,” Leder-Luis said.

This examination is consistent with past reviews the insurance division had undertaken after other events involving significant claims activities, such as 2011 tornadoes and Hurricane Irene in 2011, she said.

“As part of the examination, the division is collecting information on a regular basis on various lines of insurance, including workers’ comp, property and casualty and health insurance, and will ultimately issue an aggregate report,” Leder-Luis said. She said the insurance division has encouraged all insurers to provide prompt relief to policyholders impacted by these events.