Do You Believe in Evolution?

January 14, 2013 by

Do you believe in evolution? No, I don’t mean the theory espoused by Charles Darwin; I mean the idea that change is inevitable and even necessary in business. Do you believe that evolution is required for any business to take advantage of its strengths to benefit its customers?

We do! And in 2013, The Insurance Journal Academy of Insurance is applying this belief and evolving, radically according to some, to take advantage of and build on our strengths to better serve you. We think you are going to like the result.

What to Expect

So, what can you expect in 2013 as a result of the Academy’s evolution?

Fewer live classes. In the past three academic years, the Academy has averaged 90 live class days each year. While this might sound like a good plan and schedule, presenting this many live classes was actually counterproductive.

Many, in fact most, of the classes were “new” rebroadcasts of previously conducted classes. New material was rarely provided because of the request to conduct specific classes over and over again. There was not much new training material, at least not as much as you would think based on the number of class days.

Also, many Academy followers, students and potential students complained that there was not enough advanced notice of the classes. Each class was advertised only once and in the same week they were being presented.

To remedy both challenges created by conducting so many live classes we reduced the number of live class days to 26 in 2013. The vast majority of these classes are new to the Academy so you have more opportunity to access new training. Also, at least two weeks, and in most cases three weeks, notification of each class will be provided, giving you ample time to put the class on your schedule.

Improved access to and information on our extensive library of existing classes. The Academy has more than 200 hours of training and education ready to access right now. You don’t have to wait for a replay of a previously taught class; you can download any of these classes anytime. All of our most popular classes are there for your use and on your schedule.

New and original immediate access classes. Many of our top instructors agreed to provide several hours of new, original material to the Academy’s immediate access library. These new classes are recorded in our studio and made available solely as an immediate access class. This allows the Academy to add new and relevant material without having to wait for an open day in the educational calendar. You gain much quicker access to timely information.

And like other immediate access classes, you can download them anytime and listen anytime – so these, like the existing library of immediate access classes, fit into your schedule.

New Features

Even during this time of evolution, certain aspects and features of the Academy are not changing – key features that set us apart and continue into 2013 and beyond include:

Everyone is invited. Invite your entire office to any Academy class you purchase – live or immediate access. If there are 10 professionals in your office who could benefit from a particular class, bring them to the meeting. The single registration fee covers one or 100 students (provided everyone is in the same building).

“Forever” access. When you register for a class, you can access it anytime, as often as you want. Use this feature for a refresher or to train new staff members. Your access to a class never goes away once you pay for it.

Satisfaction guaranteed. The Academy’s goal is to provide you with highly relevant, immediately useful information. If you feel a particular class (live or immediate access) does not meet this goal and your needs, we will gladly refund your full purchase price.

Tour of Insurance Journal‘s Academy of Insurance and learn what we have to offer. You can find us at