Billboards in Oklahoma Warn of Contractor Fraud

October 22, 2012

The Oklahoma Insurance Department and the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) have teamed up to warn residents in the state’s wildfire disaster zones about contractor fraud. The department and the NICB are using six billboards to get the message out in counties that were hard hit by wildfires this year: Payne, Cleveland, Oklahoma, Creek, Bryan and Marshall.

The billboards ask anyone suspecting contractor fraud as a result of the rebuilding efforts to call the NICB’s toll-free hotline at 1-800-TEL-NICB (835-6422) to provide tips on possible illegal practices.

The OID and NICB warn that following a natural disaster like wildfires, it is not unusual to see shady contractors or roofers arrive in the area and prey on victims. These “storm chasers” seek a payment in advance or try to get property owners to sign over an insurance claim payment by promising to repair the damages, often at a discounted price. But once they have the money, they disappear after doing inferior work or no work at all.

The NICB’s tip line can also be reached by texting the keyword “Fraud” to TIP411, or filling out the tip form on the NICB Web site at