Alabama Targets Uninsured Motorists

October 8, 2012

Alabama is implementing a new system to crack down on the 900,000 Alabama vehicles without insurance. The system, set to launch Jan. 1, will verify within a few seconds whether a motorist is abiding by the state’s law requiring liability insurance.

County license plate offices will verify insurance information when issuing or renewing car tags. Police will do it when they stop cars for traffic offenses. And the state Revenue Department will do random computer checks to find motorists who have dropped their insurance. Then it will contact the motorists, who must provide proof of insurance or risk having their registration suspended.

Driving without insurance results in a fine of up to $500 for a first offense and $1,000 for a subsequent offense. It can also result in suspension of the vehicle’s registration. Reinstating it will cost $200 for the first violation and $400 for subsequent violations.