Academy of Insurance Success Stories!

October 8, 2012

I strongly believe the annual membership with Academy of Insurance is very beneficial for us as we design employee educational programs.

Working in the insurance industry, you never stop learning; through the annual membership, we have access to great webinars throughout the year — especially the coverage-related webinars. The availability of presentation documents and a link to revisit the presentation provide great opportunity to learn and study the information further. Also, the available management training webinars give us access to great speakers providing effective training.

Annual membership in the Academy is definitely worth it, and we plan to renew this membership in upcoming years.

Our firm signed up for the Academy of Insurance Membership program to supplement our office’s monthly education meetings. Each month, a member of our staff is selected to review a specific course, prepare a short quiz based on the material and then view the class again with our entire office in a classroom setting. There is a wide variety of course topics, which are all very thorough with excellent support material.

The detailed review of the material in each class allows an individual, who may not be an expert on the subject, to learn enough to give an overview of the class and prepare a quiz. We then make the class available for anyone in our office who wishes to take the course again, as well as provide special encouragement for those who did not perform well on the quiz to retake the course.

Our management team has taken advantage of several operational and sales management classes, which were a bonus to insurance technical curriculum. This is what initially drew us to the Academy of Insurance.

We have found the membership program provides an excellent value that allows the courses to be taken multiple times by multiple individuals in our firm.