Web Exchange
U.S. companies face many exposures around the globe. Increasingly, they are traced to a crackdown against corporate bribery. Ann Longmore is an executive vice president of Willis and an expert in foreign exposures for U.S. firms. In this interview, Longmore discusses how this translates into concerns for D&O carriers.
The R Street Institute, a new insurance free market think tank, has launched an insurance issue-oriented blog on InsuranceJournal.com.
The blog,”Right Street Blog,” is being authored by Eli Lehrer, president of R Street Institute, and Ray Lehmann, deputy director, from the group’s office in Washington, D.C.
Other members of the conservative-minded team including Alan Smith, Julie Brenner and Christian Cameron, who have experience on insurance issues in several states, also will contribute to the blog.
R Street was organized by Lehrer and others formerly with the Center for Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate at the Heartland Institute. The insurance team split from Heartland over a disagreement about an anti-global warming campaign.
Insurance agency consultant Chris Burand has launched a new blog on insurance agency errors and omissions (E&O) issues found only on InsuranceJournal.com.
In Burand’s Agency E&O Blog, the consultant will share E&O situations and solutions facing property/casualty insurance agencies. The blog, launched on May 30.
“I want to share my experience from more than 20 years helping agencies deal with and prevent many of the E&O situations they find themselves in,” Burand said.
He said he hopes readers will comment and participate in a conversation about E&O concerns.
Burand is president and owner of Burand & Associates LLC, a management consulting firm that has been specializing in the property/casualty insurance industry since 1992.