Bozeman City Commission OKs Cellphone Ordinance

December 5, 2011

The Bozeman City Commission in Montana has voted 4-1 to adopt an ordinance that would prohibit the use of hand-held electronic devices while driving or bicycling within city limits.

Under the ordinance, if you’re caught texting or talking on a hand-held cellphone while driving or cycling, you could be fined $100.

Using a hands-free communications device would be allowed, and commissioners also exempted drivers on Interstate 90, who may not realize they’re in the city.

Mayor Jeff Krauss cast the only “no” vote, saying “I’m voting ‘no’ for the same reason I vote ‘yes’ on things like individual rights.”

The earliest the law could go into effect is Jan. 17 so officials have time to educate people about the change.