New Jersey Looks to Put a Lid on Its Auto Insurance ‘Pot of Gold’

November 7, 2011

New Jersey regulators are working on updating auto insurance personal injury protection (PIP) regulations. The state’s law requires that the Department of Banking and Insurance (DOBI) revisit the rules every two years.

The current proposed rule changes are drawing a great deal of scrutiny from various parties involved in the PIP system -from carriers and medical providers to lawyers.

Proposals include applying the ambulatory surgical center (ASC) fee schedule to outpatient hospital procedures. It aims to clamp down a loophole exploited by some pain-management doctors and other treatment professionals. Also under proposed changes, doctors would have only up to five days to appeal an insurer’s denial of a claim. Additionally, patients would be subject to an internal review process before requesting outside arbitration. New Jersey drivers can buy as much as $250,000 of PIP benefits. While having that much coverage helps support the state’s top of the line trauma system, “it unfortunately also means for some a pot of gold to abuse,” according to the state’s insurance director Doug Wheeler.