The Talk

July 18, 2011

Long before the Insurance Goddess was created, Alan Galvez Insurance was reaching out to customers and potential customers through an innovative program called “The Talk,” aimed at educating teens about auto insurance and insurance in general.

“The parents bring in the newly licensed driver and we will sit here and we talk about dangers of driving and what we see happen most frequently, what kind of accidents happen, what they’re a result of, like distracted driving or alcohol and drug use or any of those other items,” said Carrie Reynolds. “We’ll talk a little bit about that and we’ll talk about what to do if you’re involved in an accident.”

The basic concepts of insurance are also covered in “The Talk,” along with the cost of car insurance premiums and the importance of keeping grades up to reduce the amount of the premium.

“It gets the point across because it’s not their parents sitting there talking to them,” Reynolds said. “It’s somebody else who really knows what happens if you don’t drive safely. … I remember being that age and you never want to listen to anything your parents said. But if it’s a third party they’re like, ‘Wow. OK. Well, I’ll listen.’ We’ve had really good response with it. And the parents are very appreciative.

“As I said in my blog post, we’ve never had a fatality, knock on wood, never a teenage fatality. So, I have to say that the two are related. It doesn’t hurt. It certainly doesn’t hurt.”