Demotech Company Classification Criteria

May 16, 2011

Super Regional

  • Active companies, not in regulatory supervision at Dec. 31, 2010
  • Individual companies
  • Companies reporting data to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners using the property/casualty annual and quarterly statement format
  • No surplus lines companies
  • No risk retention groups
  • No reinsurance companies
  • More than $1 million of direct premium written (DPW) in each of two to 34 states at Dec. 31, 2010
  • Less than 90 percent of their DPW in any one state at Dec. 31, 2010
  • Less than 90 percent of their DPW in any one line of business at Dec. 31, 2010
  • $100 million of surplus or more at Dec. 31, 2010
  • Net premium written (NPW) of at least $50 million at Dec. 31, 2010
  • DPW of at least $25 million at Dec. 31, 2010

Surplus Lines, Risk Retention Group, Reinsurer

  • By definition

Direct Premium Written Less Than $1 million

  • Dec. 31, 2010 DPW less than $1 million
  • Not a member of a group

State Specialist

  • Dec. 31, 2010 DPW greater than or equal to $1 million
  • Greater than or equal to 90 percent of Dec. 31, 2010 DPW in one state

Coverage Specialist

  • Dec. 31, 2010 DPW greater than or equal to $1 million
  • Greater than or equal to 90 percent of Dec. 31, 2010 DPW in one line of business


  • More than $1 million of DPW in each of at least 45 states at Dec. 31, 2010
  • $250 million of surplus or more at Dec. 31, 2010
  • NPW of at least $250 million at Dec. 31, 2010
  • DPW of at least $250 million at Dec. 31, 2010
  • No lines of business greater than or equal to 90 percent of Dec. 31, 2010

Near National

  • More than $1 million of DPW in each of at least 35 states at Dec. 31, 2010
  • $100 million of surplus or more at Dec. 31, 2010
  • NPW of at least $50 million at Dec. 31, 2010
  • DPW of at least $100 million at Dec. 31, 2010
  • No lines of business greater than or equal to 90 percent of Dec. 31, 2010
  • Do not qualify as a National

Strategic Subsidiary

  • Not in any other category
  • Part of a group
  • DPW/PHS >= 9 or <=.25 OR NPW/PHS >= 9 or <=.25


  • Not in any other category