Ohio Lt. Governor to Direct Insurance Department

January 24, 2011

Newly sworn-in Ohio Gov. John Kasich appointed Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor to be director of the Ohio Department of Insurance. Taylor is the former state auditor. She served for four years as the state’s top fiscal watchdog guarding against fraudulent and wasteful spending of tax dollars. The first certified public accountant to serve as auditor, Taylor modernized the office into a nationally recognized, 21st-century public accounting firm and provided state and local government officials across Ohio with thousands of ideas and solutions to improve efficiency and cut costs by more than $140 million annually.

Taylor also served two terms in the Ohio House of Representatives and was a member of the House Finance; Ways and Means; and Education committees. She began her career in 1990 with the accounting firm Deloitte and Touche before joining the regional firm of Bober Markey Fedorovich & Co. in 1994, where she served as director of the firm’s tax department.

Former Insurance Department Director Mary Jo Hudson resigned effective January 7. The department’s Chief Policy Officer Doug Anderson also resigned effective January 7.