It Figures

December 5, 2010

$25 Million

Amount to be paid by Exxon Mobil Corp as part of a settlement to clean up a decades-old oil spill in New York City. The settlement requires Exxon to conduct a comprehensive cleanup of its Greenpoint facility in Brooklyn, which includes oil floating on top of the water table and contaminated groundwater and soil. The settlement ends New York’s 2007 lawsuit against Exxon over a 17 million gallon spill.

$7 Million

Amount to be spent by The Hartford to redevelop Asylum Hill, the Hartford, Connecticut neighborhood in which the insurer is headquartered. The amount includes $2 million to help the city purchase and tear down a nearby vacant building considered one of the city’s most blighted.


Average dividend check paid to policyholders of New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Co. this year. The direct-written company insures 415,000 Garden State drivers. It marks the 17th straight year the direct-writer has paid a dividend to policyholders.


The number of people killed last year by so-called “hardcore” drunken drivers – those with either a prior arrest for drunken driving or a blood alcohol content greater than 0.15. The National Transportation Safety Board is calling on states to do more to combat hardcore drunk drivers.


Amount paid by New Jersey’s Public Service Electric & Gas to settle a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the family of a man killed in a 2008 house explosion. Richard Haas, 66, died after natural gas ignited inside his three-story house – leveling the home and five others nearby.