3 Ways to Boost P/C Agency Revenues with Life Insurance Sales

November 14, 2010 by

When I was a regional advisor for a multiline insurance company we were always looking for ways to help agents build more profitable agencies. The most successful agents invariably had a system to promote life insurance sales. The extra revenue often covered their overhead, and sometimes more.

Why then do some property/casualty agents hesitate to seriously consider selling more life insurance?

Property/casualty agents are keenly aware of the importance of retaining clients as they build their book of business. They will sell it if asked, but often it is only an ancillary part of their practice. There is a fear among some agents that “pushing” life insurance might annoy their clients.

Yet, clients with multiple financial products purchased from an agency are statistically much more likely to remain clients. Any agency can comfortably integrate life insurance sales into its practice.

Here are three tactics that have proven to be successful:

People do business with agents who work side by side with them to solve problems. You have built in relationships with your clients based on good hard work. Adding a well thought out life insurance program will enhance your position as a trusted advisor, and add revenue to your bottom line.