It Figures

October 18, 2010


The number of miners participating in a settlement with Dow Chemical Co. and Flexible Products Co. in an Alabama court over the miners’ claims they were exposed to hazardous chemicals. The surprise settlement came at Tuscaloosa Circuit Court just as opening statements were due to begin in a trial expected to last three to four months. The settlement terms were not disclosed.


The average rate increase being sought by workers’ compensation insurers in Florida. The proposal, if approved as filed, would raise rates for the following industry groups: manufacturing, 9.9%; contracting, 7.3%; office/clerical, 7.3%; goods and services, 7.9%; and miscellaneous, 10.8%. NCCI has asked that new rates go into effect starting Jan. 1, 2011. Rates have been going down since lawmakers passed reforms in 2003. From October, 2003 through July, 2010, rates have gone down a cumulative 64.7%.

$50 Billion

The estimated final cost to U.S. taxpayers of the controversial Wall Street bailout plan that started out as a $700 billion plan. Despite its unpopularity among voters, the bailout plan succeeded much more quickly and at a lower cost than expected, a U.S. Treasury report said. An expected $20 billion return for selling the government’s stake in American International Group would bring the final cost down to $30 billion.


The number of members on an Alabama Coastal Recovery Commission panel assigned the task of creating a comprehensive plan to guide the state’s recovery from the Gulf oil spill. Its recommendations will be compiled in a report to be delivered to Gov. Bob Riley and the governor-elect by Dec. 15. At the first meeting, the ideas floated included a world-class convention center in Gulf Shores; low-fare airline service at Mobile Regional Airport; and a permanent solution to Alabama’s coastal insurance crisis.


The amount Joanne Kukeba received from insurers in a settlement two years ago after her 18-year-old daughter died from a rare genetic condition during plastic surgery. While she has settled a lawsuit with the plastic surgeon and the anesthesiologist who performed her daughter’s ill-fated breast surgery, Kuleba said she feels no satisfaction from the $250,000 she received from each of the doctors’ insurers.