IJ.com Readers Respond

October 18, 2010

This story triggered a voluminous and passionate response from readers on Insurance Journal’s Web site at www.insurancejournal.com. Here are just a few excerpts:

Fire the Chief

The chief should be fired for not helping these people. Let them pay it THAT day if necessary. What happened to people helping people? And to see they paid it in the past and honestly forgot, where’s the benefit of the doubt here? Human kindness. Glad I don’t live in that county.

Forgotten Premium

What if the family forgot to pay the homeowners premium instead? Would you expect the insurer to pay the loss and then ask for the premium after the fact? This is certainly an unfortunate event, but let’s keep things in perspective.

Out of Luck

A society cannot survive by picking up the tab for peoples’ inability to take responsibility for themselves. This is a lesson in that concept. Altruism is not the way the world operates.

American SpiritSomeone didn’t pay a $75 fee — should the punishment really be that they should lose their home? I don’t believe that represents America.

For more, visit https://www.insurancejournal.com/magazines/features/2010/10/18/160270.htm