Florida Medical Liability Market Found in Good Health

October 18, 2010

Medical malpractice insurers writing in Florida earned an average return on surplus of 6.6 percent in 2009, their sixth straight profitable year, although their profits were lower than in 2008.

That’s one of the news items in the state’s 2010 annual medical malpractice insurance market report released by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation that paints a relatively positive picture using 2009 data.

The return on surplus is a national number taking into account profitability in states other than Florida and other lines of insurance. The return for companies only writing medical malpractice in Florida was 8.4 percent.

While still positive, the return is declining. The average return on surplus was 9.5 percent in 2008, 11.0 percent in 2007 and 19.7 percent in 2006.

The report compares Florida with nine other states with the largest malpractice markets: California, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas.

The loss ratio for the Florida market has increased 9.3 percent since 2008 (from 22.4 percent) and at 31.7 percent is roughly comparable to the peer group of states included in the report. The national average in 2009 for all states and territories is 36.5 percent – an increase from the 35.5 percent loss ratio in 2008. Of the 10 largest medical malpractice states, New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey had loss ratios higher than the national average.

The industry paid an estimated $736.9 million in claims in 2009 in Florida; $570.3 million in damages and the remainder in loss adjustment expense.

Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty said the report shows the marketplace continues to be strong, stable and competitive relative to other large states, “which is encouraging news for doctors and hospitals.”

The report shows that average approved rate in the primary medical malpractice market in 2009 (physicians and surgeons) was negative (10.8 percent). Some specialties did experience rate increases while rates for dentists and nurses were flat.

Compared with other large states, Florida is the fifth largest market as measured by direct premium written and ranks sixth among the 10 most populous states when measured by losses incurred to earned premium (31.7 percent).

Some findings from the closed claims data files:

  • 3,087 claims were reported as closed during 2009; 1,577 for females, 1,510 for males.
  • Hospital inpatient facilities were the most commonly reported claims location.
  • Most claims were in the severe to moderate severity category.