Praeger to Retain Post as Kansas Insurance Commissioner

August 16, 2010

Incumbent Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger prevailed over her challenger, David Powell, in the Aug. 3 Republican primary to secure her party’s nomination for the commissioner’s job.

Because there are no challengers from another party for the November election, the primary win means Praeger will retain the commissioner’s post.

Praeger won 63 percent of the vote to Powell’s 37 percent, according to preliminary results posted by the Kansas Secretary of State’s office.

Powell is an insurance agent and owner of David J. Powell & Associates LLC in El Dorado. He announced his candidacy in June 2009 and was endorsed by several tea party organizations across the state, according to the Associated Press.

He opposes the recently enacted federal health insurance mandate.

It’s the second attempt at the commissioner’s job forPowell, who sought the GOP nomination for insurance commissioner in 2002. He lost to Praeger, of Lawrence, who has held the office since winning the election that year.

Praeger has begun implementing some portions of the health care law. She is a former president of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.