Poll: More New Jersey Drivers Are Texting

August 2, 2010

More New Jersey motorists surveyed say they’re texting behind the wheel and speeding. But Garden State residents believe New York motorists are the worst drivers.

Some 25 percent of New Jersey motorists surveyed in Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind Poll, released last month, say they’ve texted behind the wheel. That’s up from 15 percent in 2008.

The survey finds an increase in the number of older motorists who text. Thirty-seven percent of drivers ages 30 to 44 years old say they’ve sent a text and 17 percent between 45 and 60 have done so. The survey says use of hand-held cell phones is on the decline, with 12 percent saying they very often or sometimes use the phones.

Fifty-six percent of the respondents said New Yorkers are the worst drivers. on the roads.