It Figures

July 5, 2010


The average drop in South Carolina workers compensation rates approved by state insurance regulators. Insurance Director Scott Richardson also reported that the Assigned Risk Plan, the residual market mechanism, accounted for about 3.9 percent of the direct written premium, down from 7.7 percent in the previous year.


The fine levied against Massey Energy Co. for mostly minor safety violations found during an investigation of the nation’s deadliest coal mining disaster in 40 years, according to the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration. The fines are for seven violations cited since the April 5 explosion at Massey’s Upper Big Branch mine south of Charleston, West Virginia, according to MSHA. The blast killed 29 men and is the subject of civil and criminal investigations.

$120 Million

How much the Gulf of Mexico oil spill will cost Mississippi’s coastal counties in lost tourism and service industry revenues this summer season, even though the state’s beaches have not been hit by crude, according to researchers at the University of Southern Mississippi. Tourism has taken a large hit with non-casino hotels down 50 percent.


The latest tally of the number of lawsuits BP Plc faces from the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster. The vast majority of the lawsuits have been filed on behalf of businesses, including commercial fishermen, charter boat captains, shippers, resort operators and others harmed by the spill, according to the Westlaw database. Westlaw is a unit of Thomson Reuters. BP also faces wrongful death lawsuits by families of the 11 killed workers and lawsuits on behalf of shareholders.


The fine in Mississippi for anyone who sells novelty lighters in violation of the state’s new law. The law banning the sale of the lighters took effect on July 1. Novelty lighters can look like, among other things, animals, miniature cars, mobile phones, and cameras, fishing lures, stacks of coins, markers, and doll accessories or even a quacking popular rubber ducky bath toy.