Important Questions to Analyze a Business’s Preparedness

June 21, 2010

On its Web site,, the IBHS suggests the following questions may help in analyzing a business’s disaster preparedness level.

  1. Are you concerned that your normal business operations might be interrupted by a natural or human-caused disaster?
  2. Have you determined what parts of your business need to be operational as soon as possible following a disaster and planned how to resume those operations?
  3. Do you and your employees have a disaster-response plan in place to help assure your safety and to take care of yourselves until help can arrive?
  4. Could you communicate with your employees if a disaster happened during or after work hours?
  5. Can your building withstand the impact of a natural disaster, and are your contents and inventory sufficiently protected?
  6. Are your vital records protected from the harm that could be caused by a disaster?
  7. Are you prepared to stay open if your suppliers cannot deliver, your markets are inaccessible, or basic needs (e.g., water, sewer, electricity, transportation) are unavailable?
  8. Do you have plans to stay open for business even if you cannot stay in or reach your place of business?
  9. Have you worked with your community, public officials, and other businesses to promote disaster preparedness and plan for community recovery?
  10. Have you consulted with an insurance professional to determine if your insurance coverage is adequate to help you get back in business following a disaster?