
April 19, 2010

Miner Safety

“We know there are things in the law that needed to be improved even before this tragedy. Unfortunately mine health safety laws are passed in the blood of dead miners.”

—Aaron Albright, a spokesman for the House Education and Labor Committee, noting that lawmakers have vowed to look into the accident at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia, which killed 29 people, and to take action if necessary.

Crist Veto

“If a bill gets to my desk that favors the insurers, I will veto it.”

—Gov. Charlie Crist saying he will veto any legislation that raises homeowners insurance rates. The industry and many lawmakers have warned that state’s property insurance system is substantially underfunded and without higher rates, it could collapse if a major hurricane hits.

Bush Backing

“We have a lot of undercapitalized insurance companies that might not make it through a 2004 or 2005 or … an Andrew (1992) type storm. In the worst case scenario, the taxpayers will be liable in some fashion.”

—Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who was governor when Florida was devastated by eight major hurricanes in 2004 and 2005, urging Tallahassee politicians to ensure a robust private property insurance market to avoid a financial disaster if a major hurricane or several smaller storms strike the state this summer. Bush said it’s critical that a measure similar to one vetoed by Gov. Charlie Crist last June gets passed this time around.

Drywall Removal

“Based on the scientific work to date, removing the problem drywall is the best solution currently available to homeowners.”

—Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Chairman Inez Tenenbaum advising homeowners with Chinese drywall to completely remove the tainted product and replace all electrical components and wiring, gas service piping, fire suppression sprinkler systems, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.

Referee Agent

“In basketball we have to communicate with each of our partners, and with the coaches and players, and even the media. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll always agree, but still, being able to communicate is very helpful.”

—Cookeville, Tenn. insurance agent Gary Maxwell, who is also an NCAA basketball referee, comparing his two careers. What Maxwell has learned is that running a successful agency — like officiating a basketball game — takes diplomacy and good communication skills.